"Students were interested and excited about the activites. They enjoyed the challenging and hands on nature of the activities. Just keep on coming back."


How is the day organised?

We run 3 x 90 minute sessions per day.
These are organised around your timetable.
Each session caters for 2 classes ( 40-60 children)
We have 4 Stage Levels, so you can group any 2 classes together within these stages.

Eg Stage 1. Preps,1,2,3 or in NSW K,1, 2
Stage 2. Yrs 4,5 NSW 3,4
Stage 3. Yrs 6,7 NSW 5,6.
Stage 4. Yrs 8,9 NSW 7,8.

These are examples and groupings are flexible.

We send you an appropriate master worksheet for the students, which you photocopy, one for each student.

All each class needs to bring to their session is a pencil per child and a teacher!

The children work in pairs so maximum participation is assured.


+ Click on a photo below to enlarge.

“How much room do you need?”

We need either half a hall, a double classroom, a library/activity room or an undercover area.

A dozen trestle tables are required for us to place our 24 activities on. An open space in the middle is needed where 6 Floor Activities are set up. If you haven’t this many trestles, then 4 student’s desks per trestle can be substituted. If you haven’t the tables, don’t let this stop you.

Call us, as we have other alternatives.


+ Click on a photo below to enlarge.

“How much does it cost?”

Between $5 and $6 plus GST per student, depending on your location.

Discounts are available through Package Deals, depending on the amount of days booked. Call us for your personal quote.

“Quality is remembered, long after the price is forgotten.”

Carolyn Burns, Yr 1-2 teacher @ Karingi P.S. in NSW writes, ‘The students were instantly excited about the activities due to the colourful presentation. All activities were stage appropriate and the directions clear and easy to follow. A wonderful way to engage all children in mathematical problem solving.” - 28/6/10

Other Useful Information:

FWM Flyer Problem Solving